Tag Archive for: SDG11

Gigi berlubang atau karies gigi adalah penyakit yang menyerang jaringan keras gigi. Gigi berlubang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Karies gigi bisa terjadi pada berbagai tahapan kehidupan, tak terkecuali remaja. Penelitian tersarang di Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) yang diketuai oleh Bambang Priyono dkk menemukan bahwa remaja yang tinggal di perkotaan memiliki risiko gigi berlubang yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan yang bertempat tinggal di wilayah pedesaan.

Penelitian tersebut meneliti hubungan antara tempat tinggal (perkotaan atau pedesaan) dan kondisi sosial ekonomi orang tua dengan risiko gigi berlubang pada remaja di Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini melibatkan 275 remaja di Kabupaten Sleman dan menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan desain potong lintang yang dengan responden merupakan remaja berusia 13-15 tahun.  Para peneliti mengukur risiko gigi berlubang menggunakan suatu metode yang mempertimbangkan 10 variabel, termasuk faktor perilaku dan kebiasaan makan. 

Meskipun prevalensi gigi berlubang di kedua kelompok – perkotaan (70,7%) dan pedesaan (81,95%) – terbilang tinggi, hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor tempat tinggal dan kondisi sosio ekonomi orang tua terhadap kejadian karies gigi pada remaja.  Artinya, remaja yang tinggal di perkotaan atau pedesaan, serta yang berasal dari keluarga dengan ekonomi beragam, memiliki risiko gigi berlubang yang serupa. 

Meskipun Kabupaten Sleman merupakan daerah berkembang dan memiliki wilayah perkotaan dan pedesaan, penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara tempat tinggal dan status sosial ekonomi orang tua dengan risiko gigi berlubang pada remaja. 

Temuan ini mematahkan anggapan umum bahwa remaja di perkotaan atau dari keluarga dengan ekonomi lebih baik memiliki risiko gigi berlubang yang lebih rendah.  Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa faktor-faktor lain, di luar tempat tinggal dan ekonomi orang tua, berperan lebih besar dalam mempengaruhi risiko gigi berlubang pada remaja. 

Para peneliti menduga faktor-faktor seperti kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi mulut, kebiasaan mengonsumsi makanan dan minuman manis, serta akses ke layanan kesehatan gigi yang tidak memadai, mungkin menjadi faktor yang lebih dominan. 

Temuan penelitian ini memberikan beberapa gambaran upaya untuk mendukung tercapainya beberapa Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) diantaranya: 

  • SDG 3 (Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan yang Baik): Mempromosikan kesehatan mulut yang baik dan mencegah gigi berlubang berkontribusi langsung terhadap kesehatan dan kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan, sejalan dengan fokus SDG 3 untuk memastikan kehidupan yang sehat dan mendorong kesejahteraan untuk semua orang di segala usia.
  • SDG 4 (Pendidikan Berkualitas): Mendidik masyarakat tentang pentingnya kebersihan mulut dan kebiasaan makan sehat sejalan dengan tujuan SDG 4 untuk memastikan pendidikan berkualitas yang inklusif dan adil serta mendorong kesempatan belajar sepanjang hayat untuk semua.
  • SDG 10 (Pengurangan Kesenjangan): Menyorot kebutuhan akan akses yang sama ke perawatan gigi untuk mengatasi tujuan pengurangan kesenjangan di dalam dan antar negara (SDG 10) dengan memastikan semua remaja memiliki kesempatan untuk kesehatan mulut yang baik.
  • SDG 11 (Kota dan Komunitas Berkelanjutan): Memahami faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mulut di daerah perkotaan dan pedesaan berkontribusi pada penciptaan kota dan komunitas yang berkelanjutan dan inklusif (SDG 11) dengan mengatasi disparitas kesehatan dan mendorong kesejahteraan bagi semua penduduk.

Dengan memahami faktor-faktor risiko yang sebenarnya, upaya pencegahan dan penanganan gigi berlubang pada remaja dapat dilakukan dengan lebih tepat sasaran.  Masyarakat perlu diedukasi tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut sejak dini, serta memilih pola makan yang sehat.  Selain itu, perlu dipastikan adanya akses yang setara terhadap layanan kesehatan gigi bagi semua remaja, terlepas dari latar belakang mereka.


Penulis: Wing Ma Intan
Editor: Naufal Farah Azizah
Ilustrasi: dibuat menggunakan AI ∙ 13 Maret 2024 jam 13:42

Priyono, B., Kusnanto, H., Supartinah, A., & Pramono, D. (2016). Correlation between predictions to get a new dental caries with residence area and parental socio-economic conditions in adolescents in Sleman DIY. Majalah Kedokteran Gigi49(3), 115-119.


Source: image by Freepik

Anis moved from the rural areas to the urban areas of Yogyakarta. He is thinking about his move while stuck in traffic, and hearing construction work, music and cars beeping in the background. Anis has faced challenging experiences that have left him stressed. Exhausted? Nervous? He is unsure, but it is just getting worse, and he is losing his energy. Could his relocation from a rural area to an urban area impact his feelings? Is urbanisation getting to him? Anis is uncertain and needs help. Let’s explore Anis’ experience with urbanisation!

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics data, in the year 2000, around 3,120,4781 individuals lived in Yogyakarta. However, as the years passed, people like Anis have moved to the city seeking better opportunities. By 2023, the population of Yogyakarta was estimated to be around 4,073,9072. Despite the economic developments due to population increase, it can get hectic with the traffic, noise pollution and opportunities. Across the world, there are many people like Anis migrate from rural to urban areas and experience what Anis’s going through. But what exactly is happening to Anis? Let’s get exploring.

Source: image by Sarah Gumush

Yogyakarta, a cultural hub nestled in the heart of Java, Indonesia, is undergoing a profound transformation shaped by rapid urbanisation. As the city grapples with the dual challenges of preserving its rich cultural heritage and accommodating the demands of modernity, urbanisation in Yogyakarta is reshaping its landscape and dynamics. The traditionally vibrant markets and historical landmarks now coexist with burgeoning high-rises and contemporary infrastructure projects3.

Yogyakarta, once primarily known for its serene rural landscapes and historical charm, has undergone a transformative journey into urbanity. Over the years, the city has experienced a rapid shift, marked by growing infrastructure, increasing population density, and a dynamic blend of tradition and modernity. The skyline, once dominated by traditional Javanese architecture, now features a mix of contemporary structures, reflecting the city’s evolving identity. As Yogyakarta embraces its urban character, there has been a noticeable surge in economic activities, educational institutions, and cultural diversity. The transition has brought both opportunities and challenges, with improved connectivity and job prospects on one hand, and issues of traffic congestion and environmental concerns on the other. The arrival of residents like Anis, seeking economic opportunities and a better life, has led to the expansion of urban areas, impacting local communities and fostering a unique blend of tradition and progress4. However, there are both positives and negatives to urbanisation, which we will explore further.

Source: image by Freepik

Urban living often leads to improved access to education, healthcare, and infrastructure. However, the rapid pace of urbanisation can also pose challenges. Overcrowded cities may face issues like traffic congestion, pollution, and inadequate housing, leading to a decline in the quality of life. It appears that Anis may be experiencing a lack of energy, anxiety, or a depressive disorder, but he has not yet sought mental health support5. Although there is better access to healthcare in urban areas, individuals are often too preoccupied with the demands of urban living and, ironically, its stressors.

The transition of Yogyakarta from a rural to an urban setting presents a unique case study in the context of Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 11. As the region undergoes urbanisation, the mental health of its residents becomes a critical concern. Urbanisation can lead to increased stress due to factors such as overcrowding, pollution, and the fast pace of city life. These stressors can exacerbate mental health issues, making SDG 3’s objective to promote well-being for all increasingly relevant. Concurrently, SDG 11’s aim to create sustainable cities and communities is vital in ensuring that urban growth does not compromise mental health. This necessitates the implementation of policies that balance development with green spaces, community support systems, and accessible healthcare services, fostering an environment where mental well-being is a priority in the face of rapid urban change.

Source: image by Freepik

Back to Anis, while on his way to work, he received a call from a friend. This friend explained to him how he was feeling very stressed, nervous and had no energy. The way Anis’ friend explained what he was going through made Anis suggest he visit the doctors. Then, Anis’ friend turned back and said to Anis, “My friend, I am just telling you what you told me you were going through, maybe you should visit the doctors and I did some research for you. Visit the nearest community health center (Puskesmas) for mental health service. You will receive a diagnosis from the professionals there or referred to a nearby hospital for further treatment”. Anis nodded, ready to take notes as he never considered visiting such professionals. His friend said afterwards that Anis may receive therapy, medication, or simple advice on necessary lifestyle adjustments. Anis’ friend explained to him how urban living can be stressful, but he also highlighted that we have better access to all types of help.

After the conversation, Anis began to reflect on his way back home. He realised that living a routine life where he has to constantly worry about the high living costs, the bills he has to pay, work pressure and general competition, and the social comparison culture that urban life generally fosters. Anis decided to take his friend’s advice and began to seek mental health support.

One year later…

After Anis starts to work with his mental health and care for himself first, he ensures he takes some time out for the family. Whenever he feels stressed, he talks it out with his wife and when he needs more support, he doesn’t hesitate to revisit his therapist.


By: Sarah Gumush & Dewi Caesaria Fitriani
Editor: Septi Kurnia Lestari


1Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS). (2020). Population, Population Growth Rate, Percentage Distribution of Population, Population Density, and Population Sex Ratio by Regency/Municipality in D.I. Yogyakarta, 2000, 2010 and 2019. Retrieved December 13, 2023 from https://yogyakarta.bps.go.id/subject/12/kependudukan.html#subjekViewTab3

2Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS). (2022). Projection of Number of Population Estimation by Regency/City in D.I. Yogyakarta (People), 2023-2025. Retrieved December 13, 2023 from https://yogyakarta.bps.go.id/subject/12/kependudukan.html#subjekViewTab3

3Tulus, R. and Ramadan, B. (2021) ‘Typology and peri-urban development of Yogyakarta City and surrounding’, International Journal of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences, 3(2), pp. 74–81. doi:10.46923/ijets.v3i2.138.

4Nadrian, H., Mahmoodi, H., Taghdisi, M. H., Aghemiri, M., Babazadeh, T., Ansari, B., & Fathipour, A. (2020). Public health impacts of urban traffic jam in Sanandaj, Iran: A case study with mixed-method design. Journal of Transport & Health, 19, 100923.

5Erzen, E., & Çikrikci, Ö. (2018). The effect of loneliness on depression: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 64(5), 427-435.