List of Research Topics for HDSS Sleman

The data collection in the first cycle serves as a baseline survey that gathers basic demographic data. In subsequent cycles, HDSS updates the demographic data and collects health-related information, including data on infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and their risk factors, maternal and child health, healthcare utilization, the socioeconomic impact of COVID-19, physical activity, tobacco use, and mental health. Below is the list of research topics for HDSS Sleman for the years 2015-2020:

Module NameHDSS 1 (2015)HDSS 2 (2016)HDSS 3 (2017)HDSS 4 (2018)HDSS 5 (2019)HDSS 6 (2020)
Household-Level Modul
Updates on Demographic DataYesYesYesYesYes
Birth EventYesYesYesYesYesYes
Death EventYesYes
Reproductive HealthYesYesYesYes
Child HealthYesYesYesYes
Communicable DiseaseYesYesYesYesYes
Individual-Level Modul
Non-communicable diseaseYesYes (ver.2)YesYes
Healthcare Access and UtilizationYesYesYes
COVID-19 Impacts on the Social EconomyYes
Physical activityYesYes
Tobacco consumptionYesYesYes
Mental healthYesYes