Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 3: Wave 7 (2021) & Wave 8 (2022)
Lestari, S. K., Fitriani, D. C., Azizah, N. F., Pratama, K. G., & Putri, R. K. S. C. (2024). Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 3: Wave 7 (2021) & Wave 8 (2022). Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM.
This book is compiled to provide information to HDSS Sleman data users regarding methodological and instrument changes employed in HDSS Sleman Cycle 7 (2021) and Cycle 8 (2022). Readers seeking further explanations on research methods, data collection processes, modules, questionnaires, data management, and data weighting applied in these cycles can refer to the HDSS Sleman Complete Guide Volume 1: Cycles 1-5 (2015-2019) and Volume 2: Cycle 6 (2020), which offer foundational information and detailed explanations on the development of HDSS Sleman’s research methodology and procedures over time.

Sleman HDSS Guidebook volume 2 Wave 6 (2020)
Lestari, S. K., Wardani, R. K., Pratama, K. G., & Putri, R. K. S. C. (2024). Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 2: Wave 6 (2020). Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM
This book is written to provide information to users of Sleman HDSS data regarding the changes in research methods and instruments used in Wave 6 of HDSS Sleman. Readers who wish to obtain a more comprehensive explanation of the research methods, data collection processes, modules, questionnaires, data management, and data weighting of Sleman HDSS can find them in the Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 1: Wave 1-5 (2015-2019).

Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 1: Wave 1-5 (2015-2019)
Lestari, S. K., Huda, T. A., Wardani, R. K., Pratama, K. G., Rosha, P. T., Maulana, F. R., Putri, R. K. S. C., & Hikmah, N. F. N. Sleman HDSS Guidebook Volume 1: Wave 1-5 (2015-2019). Sleman (ID): Universitas Gadjah Mada; 2022.
This comprehensive guidebook offers insights into the research methods, data collection processes, modules and questionnaires used, data management practices, and data weighting techniques. It also provides in-depth information on each module implemented by Sleman HDSS, including any modifications made during the five data collection cycles. Additionally, the guidebook includes a compilation of the instruments employed in the data collection process.

Sleman HDSS Manual Series: Computing Wealth Index as a Measure of Household Socio-Economic Status using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Lestari SK, Pratama KG, Wardani RK. Sleman HDSS Manual Series: Computing Wealth Index as a Measure of Household Socio-Economic Status using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Sleman (ID): Universitas Gadjah Mada; 2023.
The primary objective of this book is to serve as a practical guide for researchers, students, and practitioners interested in employing the principal component analysis (PCA) method to calculate the wealth index as an indicator of household socio-economic status. Within its pages, readers will find comprehensive explanations of the step-by-step process involved in conducting PCA, encompassing data preparation, variable selection, testing the appropriateness of variables, and interpreting the outcomes. Additionally, the book includes syntax for calculating the Wealth Index using the PCA method with Sleman HDSS data on Stata software version 17.
Septi Kurnia Lestari, S.Gz., M.Med.Sc.PH, Ph.D; Tri Atmaja Huda, S.Stat.; Kadharmesthan Gilang Pratama, S.Stat.; Rahayu Kia Sandi Cahaya Putri, S.Stat.; Nur Fadlilah Nurul Hikmah, S.Stat.; Ratri Kusuma Wardani, S.Gz.; Sleman HDSS; Universitas Gadjah Mada
Sleman Health and Demographic Surveillance System (Sleman HDSS)
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Radiopoetro Building 1st Floor
Farmako Street, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281