• Sleman Health & Demographic Surveillance System
    (Sleman HDSS)

    HDSS Sleman conducts data collection once a year with the first data collection wave was carried out in 2015. The Sleman HDSS involved 5,147 households spread over 216 clusters (184 clusters in urban areas and 32 clusters in rural areas) in Sleman Regency. These households are located in 80 selected villages in Sleman Regency.

About Sleman HDSS

Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) is a population-based survey that periodically collects data on population transition, health status and social transition over a period. In 2014, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing at Universitas Gadjah Mada, in collaboration with the Government of Sleman Regency, initiated the Sleman HDSS. The first wave of data collection was carried out from January to April 2015, the subsequent data collections are conducted annually.

Secondary Data Analysis

Secondary data analysis is a collaborative scheme in which users can use the data collected by HDSS Sleman in their research project. Users can determine the research topic they want and adjust it with the available variables in the HDSS Sleman data collection.

Secondary data analysis

View the Data Utilisation Tutorial

1. Steps to Apply for Sleman HDSS Data

2. How to Fill Out the List of Requested Variables Form

3. Data visualisation

Data Visualisation

HDSS data visualisation summarises HDSS data displayed as tables, graphs, charts, and maps. The data displayed are from the first five waves of HDSS data collection (2015-2019), which comprise various topics, such as demographics, infectious diseases, and health risk factors.

Synthesis Project

Surveillance System to Observe Seroconversion to SARS COV2 in Human (SYNTHESIS): Combining Hospital-Based and Population-Based Longitudinal Study in Sleman HDSS (Health and Demographic Surveillance System).

The SYNTHESIS Project is hospital and population-based longitudinal study aimed to understand the natural course related to SARS-CoV-2 infection in Indonesia, from population to clinical perspective. These multi-year international collaborative efforts started in 2021 to 2023 between Universitas Gadjah Mada, academic hospitals, government bodies, and Perdana University Center for Research Excellence Malaysia were funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) and Indonesia Science Fund (DIPI) Ministry of Finance through RISPRO International Collaboration Scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions

HDSS interviewed the same households every year (cycle). Questions in the household module such as demographic and health were asked to the main respondents. The main respondents are not always the same every year. While the questions in the individual panel module are asked to the same individual in each cycle.

HDSS Sleman measured blood pressure, waist circumference, and hip circumference on individual panel respondents in cycle 4 (2018).

There is a data usage fee. For more information please visit the following link https://hdss.fk.ugm.ac.id/en/sleman-hdss-data-access/

The whole process takes 3-4 weeks for the dataset to be received.

The data management team provides consulting services related to dataset technical matters, such as variable definition, amount of data, and inter-cycle variable interrelationships. If researchers need a consultation with HDSS experts, they can help connect researchers with researchers or lecturers in FK-KMK UGM with appropriate expertise. However, if any fees are required for consultation, these costs will be borne by the researcher.